For most actors moving to Los Angeles or New York City is tantamount to taking the training wheels off your bicycle. Definitely scary as all hell because you know at any moment you can fall flat on your face but at the same time exciting beyond words because riding that bike without the security of those training wheels shows the world but more importantly proves to yourself that you can do it, that you are are capable. The feeling of achievement and accomplishment at the moment you are riding without those wheels is exhilarating. It lays the foundation and gives you the confidence to set and achieve new and higher goals.
As I write this I am 10 days away (Nov 14th) from “taking the training wheels off.” And for the most part I cannot wait. It is all unchartered territory but I am ready. For the past six months I have been thinking about, talking about and planning in fine detail all the moving parts to bring this to fruition. However up until very recently as in as recent as 6 weeks ago I had no idea how I was going to make it all happen. And what I mean by that is I had no idea how I was going to pull all the money together to take this move from a vision in my head to the reality of my very own LA address and phone number. Short of winning the lottery I often thought, ‘I need a miracle.‘ While I understood the enormity of it all and at times what seemed the impossibility of it all I did not let it deter me. I stayed the course. Even though I didn’t know how it would all come together I just knew that somehow it would. I had the vision of my my end result crystal clear in my mind, it was just all that in between stuff that was murky. While I did worry, a lot (and still do worry) I didn’t let it stop me, I just couldn’t. I literally felt compelled to keep moving towards my goal. And this feeling of overwhelming compulsion where I had to keep going brings to mind something I found on Facebook that is very powerful and that I have found to be very true indeed. Simply put “Once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen.”
In my heart of hearts I believe to achieve great things in your life you cannot wait until everything is perfect. You have to start moving towards your goal even though the way to go isn’t perfectly clear in front of you. It’s the very act of putting one foot in front of the other that causes ‘the universe to conspire to make it happen.’ And as Will Smith once said in an interview it’s what “bends the universe.”
You see when I made the decision to move to LA I had no idea where and how I would get all the many thousands of dollars needed to actually make the move. Then suddenly, almost as if by magic it seemed to all came together. Honestly I’m not even sure I know how it all happened but here’s what I did. Knowing I needed to gather up as much money as possible I came to realize very early on that I had to sell my furniture so I put it up on Craig’s List and much to my surprise I found I did very well and made quite a bit of money. Then I started listing some of my things I had not used in years but were still in great condition on eBay and on there too made quite a bit of money. Then I joined a Facebook group for online sellers where I learned in greater detail what it takes to be a successful online seller long term. And suddenly I realized not only had I gathered up enough money to make the move but quite by accident I fell into a fantastic “money job” that would provide me with both a great income and the flexible schedule needed to pursue my career. And now as of this writing I am preparing to send things into Amazon FBA which I believe is the business model that will work best for me moving forward.
It’s at this moment I can’t help but think ‘and the universe conspires to make it happen.‘
The feeling is so strong in me to move to LA to do what it is I’m suppose to do I can think of nothing else. I feel possessed.
If there is one thing I want to impart it’s to start “bending the universe” as you move towards your goals because as you do the ‘universe will conspire to make it happen.’
Til next time…xox Victoria 🙂