An Interview with Brooke Seguin from Nerdist’s “Real Housewives of Horror”


Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 9.04.19 PMBREA GRANT: A few questions about your life, your role on Real Housewives of Horror, and 30 Minute Musicals.

Okay. People always want to know the background and boring stuff first. Where are you from, how long have you been in LA, what’s your favorite color, etc?

BROOKE: I’m from good ole Louisiana! Been in LA about 10 years now…oof. time flies. GREEN IS FAVORITE. It’s the only color, right?? Probably because my birthday is St. Patty’s… I’ve always been obsessed with green and all things related: Kermit, Ireland, Boston Celtics. Although, I was terrified of Darby O’Gill and The Little People growing up. Why’d the Disney Channel have to show it all the time?! That’s a scary one for kids… and conflicting… young Sean Connery is so hot.

BREA: You do an amazing job with 30 Minute Musicals – 30 minute musical versions of popular movies like Showgirls, Top Gun, Jurassic Park, and recently, The Craft. And you write, produce, direct and act in a lot of them. When did you start doing those and what made you want to do something so crazy?

BROOKE: That’s kind. Thank you! Crazy people do crazy things. I started working on them in 2010 with my producing partner, the fabulous Tom DeTrinis. I love movies and adore musicals… and, I love a parody! So, I guess it was natural? The idea to parody movies in a quick 30Minute Musical format came while I was watching Roadhouse for the millionth time. I thought, “I need to see Swayze rip a guy’s throat out while singing a rock opera.” And, there we have it. Movie parodies happen ALL THE TIME. But, this format gives me the opportunity to put my own stamp on it. It’s beyond fun.

BREA: Is your background mostly in the production side of things or on the acting side of things?

BROOKE: hmmm… they go hand in hand for me. I’ve rarely done one without the other. I’ve always been a self-starter, I guess. It doesn’t make much sense to wait around for something to happen, in my opinion. If I want to do it, I do it. So… I’ve had a lot of big fails and some spectacular experiences.

B Seguin HeadshotBREA: Do you find it difficult to do theater in Los Angeles? What are some of the hard parts of putting on 30 Minute Musicals?

BROOKE: It’s insanely difficult. If there’s a way to do it profitably, I haven’t found it. And, I’ve been at it a long time. It’s one of those things that you just have to do “for the love of the game.” And, you have to be okay with losing your ass… often. LA is a tough place to get a consistent audience. I could chat over the negatives all day, BUT why?? The easy parts, the reason to continue, are the people that I work with, who are incredibly talented and hilarious. The 30MM team has become a little family over the years, and I could not be more blessed to work with such impressive artists. The world would be lucky to see some of the stuff these actors bring to the stage. Like Tom Lenk as Kevin McCallister in Home Alone OR Tom Lenk as Charlie/Kelly McGillis in Top Gun! Genius.

BREA: You play Barbara Dawn, the lovable racist Satanist on Nerdist’s Real Housewives of Horror. Obviously you’re not a racist or Satanist in real life. Do you have someone you draw on when you’re acting (would you like to call out a racist family member now)?

BROOKE: Can a racist be lovable??! I’ll take it. You are correct; I am not a racist. Or Satanist. I do have quite a lot of experience with racist attitudes though… unfortunately. I’d say it’s from growing up in the South, but I’ve encountered just as much racism in LA. The fun thing about the South though is that the racism usually comes through a wide grin and oddly humorous colloquialism. (do you like how I’m avoiding the “racist family member” question?)

BREA: Does your improv training help when you are doing shows like Real Housewives?

BROOKE: Without a doubt. RHOH was an improv dream. The scenes were written so well and so funny (thank you, Brea!) that being able to improv in and out of them was the bees knees! It’s also really nice to have a director who understands improv and encourages you to live in the character and follow your instincts. Barbara Dawn is terrible human who says some pretty outrageous stuff – honestly, it was quite fun to see how horribly offensive she could get! And, getting to play with the other ladies and those amazing fellas in the Speed Dating ep – I left set each day a VERY HAPPY LADY, even though eyepatch work is hhhhaaaaaard, yo.

BREA: What’s your experience been like working in the web world?

BROOKE: It’s been very interesting, and lots of fun to watch friends who I’ve done improv with for so long find oodles of success on the web. I certainly understand the need to create your own material and get it out there. So, I greatly admire folks like Felicia Day and Sandeep Parikh, who’ve made their own content happen and been able to wear all hats well – writing, producing, acting… craft services, editing, PR, etc etc etc. The web is a great place for that. And, it’s so lovely when people do it superbly! The well-produced stuff, the things that look sleek but you know they’re on a web budget, that kind of content really shines.

BREA: Any advice you’d give for someone who wants to write/direct/act in their own project?

BROOKE: Don’t do it. JK! Do it. But, be realistic about time and money AND know that it’s all about the team. You can make a lot of stuff happen if you’re determined and you have the right people on your team. Putting a lot on your plate can be overwhelming and listening to the advice of people you’re working with is invaluable. I’m sure you know nothing about that, Ladyfriend!!! 😉