What it means to ME to be a Ms. In The Biz


I have been so thankful to write for the Ms. In The Biz platform since the beginning, and in honor of this being my last blog post, I thought it was appropriate to talk about what It means to me to be a female filmmaker.

My first blog post was on the sale of my first feature film “Home Sweet Home” how awesome is it that now three years later, I just released my third feature film this week “Wish For Christmas.” This is my love letter to all you AWESOME Ladies and Gentlemen filmmakers out there. Let’s be the change we want to see.

#1. A Ms. in the Biz does not complain about the problems she sees in the film industry towards women, no way, because she doesn’t have time to complain. She is too busy solving the problem. She is being the change she wants to see in the world.

(My sister Andrea and I. We have written numerous scripts together.)
(My sister Andrea and I. We have written numerous scripts together.)

#2. A Ms. in the Biz is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is best for a project. She is not scared to speak her mind, even if it isn’t the most popular opinion in the room.  She believes her voice is valuable and worthy to be heard.

#3. A Ms. in the Biz surrounds herself with men who champion women, and respect them as partners. Men who are excited to share the head of the table with them.

(With my husband John who is an amazing producing partner!)
(With my husband John who is an amazing producing partner!)

 #4. A Ms. in the biz sends the ladder down to the women on the next rung. She does not believe that there is only room for a couple of women at the top; she believes there is an unlimited amount of space for all her fellow female filmmakers.

(With some of the writers from Ms. In The Biz who were included in our book "Thriving in Hollywood!"
(With some of the writers from Ms. In The Biz who were included in our book “Thriving in Hollywood!”)

#5. A Ms. in the Biz hires and champions women. She understands that men are not against us, but not necessarily always thinking about us. Therefore it is her responsibility to find all the applications from women crew and hire them when it is the best fit for the project.

#6. A Ms. in the Biz makes sure the script she is producing has strong positive female characters. Something the next generation can look up to.

(With Ms. In The Biz founder Helenna Santos while filming our upcoming adventure movie "At Your Own Risk")
(With Ms. In The Biz founder Helenna Santos while filming our upcoming adventure movie “At Your Own Risk”)

#7. A Ms. in the Biz nurtures and mentors younger female filmmakers, so that pretty soon there will be no inequality between women and men in Hollywood.

#8. A Ms. in the Biz leads by example, treating everyone on her set with respect and kindness, setting the environment for everyone to follow. She believes that everyone involved in the film is important and valuable.

(JUST some of the incredible female crew we had on Wish For Christmas behind the monitor. We had about a 50-50 female to male crew!)

It has truly been my honor to share my filmmaking journey, so far, with the readers of Ms In the Biz.

Don’t wait for someone else to make your dreams happen, make them happen yourself.

Go out there and make movies, tell stories, and surround yourself with the best of the best!

(My partners from the beginning, incredible men who champion women, and have been with me since the beginning of this incredible filmmaking journey. From left to right: Gaffer, Sean McClellan, director John KD Graham, me, and our Cinematographer Richard Galli)

You can continue to follow my career via the pages below:

Wish for Christmas

Enjoy the show!