Actor scams are a very real thing in Hollywood and New York. People see the droves of artists stepping doe-eyed off the plane, and they want to take advantage of their naiveté and eagerness to work. I’ll admit it: I’ve been scammed before, too. I think you would be hard-pressed to find an actor in a big market who hasn’t experienced some kind of scam. This is why you need to be very cautious and do your research before taking anyone’s advice or giving anyone your money. Let’s talk about a few ways that people scam actors and some strategies…
Author: Sarah Siadat
So you’ve got a degree in theater, or completed an acting program, congratulations! Now you’re ready to step into the world of professional acting. Gone are the days of scene study class, because now you know everything you need to know… right? Wrong! Recent graduates often feel like they don’t need to spend more time in the classroom because, c’mon, they were just there for sixteen years! While that sentiment is completely valid, I’m here to tell you that enrolling yourself in a professional acting class is one of the most powerful ways you can move your career forward quickly.…
So, you’re in the market for a new agent or manager. That’s great! Agents and managers are a big part of the entertainment industry, and it’s important to have a team that you really love. There are a lot of misconceptions around agents and managers, especially for actors who are new to the professional world. It’s easy to think that being repped by CAA right out of the gate would be a good move – but that’s not true. CAA isn’t thinking about their newbies, they’re thinking about Tom Cruise. When seeking new representation, it’s important to be realistic in your expectations…
Every actor has fallen into the jealousy trap at some point, and the story can go something like this: one of your friends who you love and admire has been with you since the beginning. Maybe you went to school together and decided to take the plunge and move to a big city market. Together, you’re navigating the choppy waters of the entertainment industry when all of a sudden she books a role. A big role. And you find yourself thinking, “Why wasn’t that me?” These feelings, while being completely normal, can also be disturbing. It’s unsettling to feel jealous, and…
Getting a big audition or call back can be really exciting, especially if the job is union when you’re just starting out. As actors, we know in our hearts why we’re pursuing a career as an artist, but sometimes it’s difficult to keep those heart-centered reasons in mind when we’re wondering how to pay next month’s rent. Getting an audition for something like a national commercial or a co-star on a network television show seems like a lucky break when you’re behind on your car payments. But ironically, the anxiety that accompanies financial stress can actually leak into your acting…
As an actor, you are the CEO and founder of your acting empire. Everything you do is a reflection of you, your ability and your brand. This means that it’s very important that you feel proud of whatever you put out into the world – whether it’s your website, your headshot or your marketing materials – because all of those things represent you. Be Ready for the Big Leagues . Every piece of marketing material I share with the world is carefully chosen. For instance, I spent a lot of time working on my website until I really felt it painted…