Our thoughts matter. A lot. In fact, our thoughts work kind of like this…. I love this quote from Louise Hay, but if you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of your own negativity, trying to flip a switch and “be positive” doesn’t really work. Here are 3 Steps To Take When You’re Drowning In Negativity 1) Allow yourself to feel + let it all out. Often when uncomfortable situations or feelings arise, we retreat into our phones, social media or negative thoughts about what is wrong or how we should or shouldn’t be feeling. Stop fighting with the…
Author: Wendy Braun
No matter what you have created (or have yet to create) in your life and career so far this year, remember this… Did you really take that in? “If you have the ability to imagine it, the Universe has the ability + the resources to deliver it fully to you.” Abraham-Hicks So what stops us then? How do we lose our way? Why aren’t we where we want to be? Somehow, over time, we lose that feeling of certainty. Remember when you were a kid + you just believed, fearlessly, that you could do anything? What happened? How did that…
When you’re working in the entertainment industry on a project, you can feel on top of the world, and when you’re not, it can sometimes be hard to get up in the morning or even know what to do with your day. I get it. I’ve been there. It’s frustrating, to say the least. But guess what? As creatives, whether you’re an actor or a writer, more often than not, there are going to be times when it feels like “nothing is going on” + things feel uncertain. The good news? Those times can also change on a dime. So,…
Ever wonder what might be stopping you from achieving greater success in your career? Best selling author + quantum leap expert, Price Prichett states, “Most people operate with a mindset that assumes success comes one step at a time.” Why? Because it feels way easier and much safer than making quantum leaps. Our mind either tells us that career quantum leaps rarely happen or that we are not ready for something quite that big.Our common sense may not even believe a quantum leap is possible, but it is. Can you really go from booking one commercial to booking a 26-spot campaign? Yes, you can.…
Have you taken the time to envision what you want out of 2016? I hope so. Research shows that one of the most valuable skills you could ever develop is that of directing your mind towards creating what you want. It has been proven that creative visualization combined with inspired action will yield far greater results than mere action alone. Why? When you train your mind to visualize, you are essentially giving it a blueprint for the Universe to follow. The reason so many people never meet the big goals they set, is because they consciously decide what they want,…
Did you know that first few minutes of your morning can effect the tone of your entire of your day? Does your day start with checking your phone before even getting out of bed? Do you start reacting + responding to email requests + social media posts even before getting dressed? (Yes, I’ve done it too!) Unfortunately, we are all trading this very valuable time of day for other people’s agendas. If checking Facebook sends you into a jealousy tailspin + makes you feel defeated before you even try, then why begin your day that way? “Every morning we are born again.…
In an industry that often shines the spotlight on the external + the material, it is easy to let your ego lead the way, keeping you feeling small, feeling like you’re an outsider + that you are somehow not enough. Comparing yourself to others or even to “where you should be by now,” will quickly chip away at your confidence. Maybe you look around and see those who are achieving success and think they have something you don’t have. Add a few scrolls through Facebook or Twitter when you are in a negative funk, and it could leave you feeling pretty…
It’s not: Why don’t I have more auditions? Why didn’t they buy my screenplay? Why aren’t I further along? Quite the contrary. Unconditional self-love is accepting whatever is going on within you without trying to change it, alter it, make it go away or tell yourself “I shouldn’t be feeling this way.” When you are about to beat yourself up for __________ (insert your favorite reason here: not being further along, not being more positive, not booking the job etc.) you are putting a condition on how much you choose to love yourself in this moment. The #1 Question To Ask To Transform…
Whenever I’m debating on doing something fun or taking a trip, I’m often reminded of my late father’s wise words: DO IT NOW. For the entertainment professional, I’ll add… Mark Twain summed it up pretty well too: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover” So, is there something you long to do or somewhere you’d like to go that you are putting off…
Ever notice how anytime you decide to take some bold + courageous action, you somehow start to procrastinate, clean the house, check Facebook and do all kinds of things to distract you from the one thing that is keeping you from living your dream? What is the one thing? Fear. Fear wants you to do anything but face it + tell it, “I am going to triumph over you.” It wants you to stay safe + not risk rejection or failure. But keep this in mind: For a long time, my habitual response to fear was action. If I just stayed “busy” enough,…
I know two things about you: 1) That you are filled with unlimited possibilities. 2) That you want every single thing you desire because you think it will feel good once you have it. Here’s what I also know about your desires: “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~ Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist) So why are so many people not getting what they truly want? The answer might surprise you: Yes, the key to tapping into your unlimited self, aligning with the dreams you want + inviting in more success is finding ways…
Spring is in the air, a time of rebirth, awakening, and things coming into full bloom. You can’t rush this process, but you can align with a deep knowing that your dreams are unfolding and then take action from this relaxed place. In fact, what if your focus for the week was to… Remember, it is hard to find the evidence if you go to sit down to do your creative work, go to meetings, or even out to dinner with a friend and you are looking for, discussing, rehashing what isn’t working. In fact, it is almost impossible to…
How do you feel when you go to the movies? Are you able to let go and enjoy it, or do you compare yourself to those who are doing what you do, whether it’s acting, writing, directing or producing etc? For the longest time, I couldn’t go to the movies without jumping on imdb.com when I got home, comparing myself to actors in the film. Where did this always leave me? Feeling bad about my own success. No matter what I had done, who I had worked with or the accolades I received for my work, it seemed there was…
To make room for money to flow to you, there must be space to receive it, both literally + energetically. Two areas where too much clutter can stop the flow of money into your life are… Your wallet or purse. Your mind. Let’s deal with the tangible one first. Your wallet or purse serves as a literal home + metaphorical spiritual temple for your money. Are you treating it as such? What does your wallet or purse look like? Is it cluttered with old receipts, crumpled bills + business cards of people you never intend to contact? Is it crammed with expired…