Coffee Chats: Be Creative! Take Chances!


For those of us who have chosen to take on a creative career there is no linear path to success, there is no rule book, and there is no handy-dandy guide to promotions and retirement plans. Every day is an absolute adventure into the unknown, with so many factors outside of our control that would make even the most carefree 9 to 5’ ers head-spin.

That being said, one thing we can control, is our ability to be CREATIVE. To think out of the box, all while keeping up with current industry trends. Today, I want to focus on HEADSHOTS.

Headshots. Simple enough, right? Find a good photographer, do some research and find one in the $200-$400 range, and not in the $600 plus range (yes, really). Do your branding work, pick out the right wardrobe, hire the right hair and makeup person, and then just be YOU! No pressure, right?

I am someone who has always loved having my picture taken. I believe my parents would use the term “Ham”. I am also someone who is grateful to have been blessed with that thing they call photogenic. It’s true, I rarely take a bad photo, even on my worst days. Yet, after almost 16 yrs. in LA, I can’t recall a headshot that really truly captured my spirit, while being a traditional, following the guidelines headshot. I’ve had numerous artistic shoots that caught my spirit and essence, but none that you would necessarily use a headshot, or that looked like “Leah on an average day.”

A few months back, I bought myself a new top. A button-down peach blouse. It was nothing fancy. I bought it at Marshalls for $14.99. I absolutely loved the color and the way it fit, and I played around in the dressing room taking some selfies at an angle where I could photograph from the waist up, thereby displaying the entire blouse. I posted that photo to my Instagram, and my notifications started buzzing. Everyone LOVED the shirt and the selfie I had taken in the dressing room. Everyone!

So of course, I changed it to my profile photo on my social platforms, and continued to smile every time I caught a glimpse of my new blouse selfie. A few weeks went by, and I had a thought…. What if, I put this photo up on my casting portfolios? Would it be okay? I mean, after-all it was literally an iPhone selfie in a dressing room at Marshalls!

I did it. I changed my LA Casting main photo to the bathroom selfie. I didn’t consult with anyone, I didn’t ask permission from any of my reps, and I just switched it. And guess what? 48hrs later I get a text message from my East Coast Agent. She is thrilled and texts me to tell me that she LOVES my new commercial headshots, and goes on to pinpoint the different brands and products it reminds her of. I couldn’t believe it. Years and years of professional shoot after professional shoot, and my agent is TEXTING me to tell me how much she loves my bathroom selfie.

In case you’re wondering… my audition ratio has gone up this month. Is it the shirt? The hair? The makeup? NO, it’s the feeling that I was feeling when I took the photograph. Happy. Alive. Joyful. Those feelings shine thru, no matter how much you spent on your photos.

So, get creative. Think outside the box, and remember this saying… it’s often times easier to ask for forgiveness then to ask for permission. It’s your career, take charge and live it!