Author: Dani Lennon

A Chicago Native and a classically trained singer, Dani has performed all over the world and the country in exciting places like Carnegie Hall. Singing transitioned to acting as she took part in stage productions all over Chicago where she worked with many talented actors and Steppenwolf directors. After moving to Los Angeles she has been working consistently in television, soaps, film and new media. One of her most notable projects to date is Lionsgate/Machinima’s successful Series ‘Bite Me’. In addition to acting and singing, Dani’s interests and talents are extended behind the camera as a Screenwriter and a Creative Producer. Having been an athlete most of her life, she enjoys performing her own stunts, firearms, boxing and riding horses. As a self proclaimed adventure junkie, Dani loves the outdoors. Hiker, camper, fisherman and equestrian are the few roles she plays in her everyday life.

Booking an acting job in the thankless routine of auditioning met with the endless amounts of rejection, can feel as though one ran several marathons and placed. When said acting job is a project one actually enjoys and is proud of, that my friends, is comparable to completing a climb of Mount Everest. I climbed that mountain inside the sound booth of a studio to record the U.S.’s first animated horror feature film ‘Malevolent’. I needed to reach the top of Everest and stay there. I had to find my voice, literally and figuratively. Landing the lead role and vocally…

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Ah, the Love Scene…a sometimes nerve wracking and ungraceful experience…at least in my case. Most actors and actresses will inevitably be faced with the requirement of a love scene or several over the course of their careers. It is to be expected in our line of work where the themes of love, romance and sexuality flow endlessly like wine or champagne at a Holiday party. There is a misconceived notion due to several documented on set affairs between co-stars, that the general public is lead to believe that most love scenes captured on the screen are sexually fulfilling and perhaps…

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For decades Hollywood has been plagued with the assumption that the Entertainment Industry is a breeding ground for the ruthless, the desperate, the chauvinistic, the fame hungry and the image driven Goliaths looking to squish the Davids in this town. More and more that media-influenced theory is proving to be false. Sadly, most do-gooders and down to earth creators in this town are overlooked in the media due to their inability to snag a tabloid headline. A slow but steady metamorphosis has begun in Hollywood. Our society’s attention is being steered towards the down to earth and the genuine. One…

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So you want to be an Actor? Three words determine if you are fit for this industry. Mind, Body and Soul. The first rule to live by as an actor whether you are just starting out or a seasoned veteran: Hollywood is a business first and an art second. MIND: Be an intelligent actor. Know your type, your brand if you will and sell it! Recognize your unique voice, your individual journey and run with it. There is only one YOU so trust it and rock it. BODY: Take care of yourself. Novices may not know this but us experienced actors…

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Lately I have found myself inspired by the reminiscing on the Medieval Times Alumni FaceBook page and reconnecting with my former colleagues. I decided to write a piece about my time as the Princess and its direct correlation to my experience in Hollywood. Don’t worry this will all make sense as I go along so bear with me. It was a beautiful Autumn evening as my best friend Leena Huff and I were enjoying gluten free chocolate chip cookies and wine over a marathon of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, when we began to discuss the recent postings and nostalgic photos…

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What is body dysmorphic disorder? Known more commonly as body dysmorphia or BDD. Wikipedia states that it is a type of illness wherein the affected person is concerned with body image manifested as excessive concern about and preoccupation with a perceived defect of their physical features. The person thinks they have a defect in either one feature or several features of their body, which causes psychological distress or impairs occupational or social functioning. Often BDD co-occurs with depression and anxiety, social withdrawal or social isolation. The causes of body dysmorphic disorder are different for each person, usually a combination of…

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In this modern era there is a myth, or perhaps a theory traveling around this nation, that today’s youth is experiencing a bullying epidemic within our schools. A myth that is dishearteningly proving to be an alarming reality. Blame it on environment, parenting, the rise in technology and or social media, the fact remains that the basis of this issue not only runs rampant on the playgrounds and in classrooms…it occurs often in adulthood. As a former victim and target of harsh juvenile bullying that took place prior to social networking sites, I am abhorred at the behavior that is…

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To say that I am excited for the week long extravaganza that is ThreadCrawl taking place this August 19th-25th would be an understatement. As a self proclaimed fashionista on a budget I am always on the hunt for great buys mixed with great quality. With hundreds of clothing stores all over Los Angeles providing exclusive discounts for 7…count em…SEVEN full days what more could a fashion lover ask for? The fun doesn’t end with shopping. Once you have purchased a ticket you will have access to not only the fabulous stores, you can also take part in the exciting special…

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Although the presence of strong female characters are growing in cinematic ventures there is still a lack of female heroines. Save for ‘Katniss Everdeen of ‘Hunger Games’ and soon to be ‘Beatrice Prior’ of ‘Divergent’ not many films showcasing a heroic female lead come to mind, not in the last few years or so. Most that come about are forgettable. And why is that?…because they haven’t been written in a cinematic form. Not very well at least. I find it a bit unsettling that female heroines have been a pinnacle focus in literature in many forms, plays and novelistic franchises,…

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The key word in typecast is Cast. In this unpredictable industry known as Entertainment one must be prepared to strap themselves in for the roller coaster ride that is Hollywood. Although exciting, the dips and turns in this schizophrenic business can be disheartening and a challenge in itself. As an actress I find myself grateful to be cast at all. I am humbled to be a working actress in a time where the ‘Name Game’ is most often the way to get your foot in the door. I have had the pleasure of working in several areas of the acting…

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