Author: Heidi Cox

Heidi Cox is a Los Angeles based actress, writer and producer who is best known for her series, "Stalking LeVar." She is also the co-founder of Dweeb Darlings: a production company to encourage and support female creators. Originally from South Carolina, she has a degree in social work. However, Heidi quickly followed her artistic aspirations by joining the The Greenville Little Theatre's stage company before moving west. Her dream is to find a way for her love of the creative arts and non-profit to intersect to make a difference in domestic violence and special needs.

I attempted to breathe in the hot air from the cotton fibers against my smushed face. Trying to move or free myself was out of the question. He had carried me kicking, screaming, and grabbing everything I could to free myself into our room and put me face down on the bed under the quilt then climbed on top of me. His hand pressed on the back of my skull. I waited. If I moved, screamed, begged, or even asked for him to let me up more pressure would be placed on the back of my head. It was past…

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