Are you like Dorothy of Oz or Alice of Wonderland?


Vicky AyalaImagine waking up tomorrow as either Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz or Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

Which character would you want to wake up as?

I am Alice

Let’s pretend you’re Alice today and I’m the white rabbit about to walk you into wonderland. Only it’s not just wonderland. It’s your future, 10 years from today.

What does it look like? If you can’t envision 10 years then let’s go with 5 years. Imagining your future should not be difficult. If it is then either you’re not clear with where you want to go or you’re not being honest about who you want to be.

Being crystal clear about your future is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. If you can’t envision your future that far in advance then how are you going to get to where you want to go?

I am Dorothy

Let’s pretend you’re Dorothy and you’re trying to get to somewhere, a successful career perhaps. Only Oz is not some far away place. Oz is right where you are.

Dorothy knew, the moment she arrived in Oz, that she wanted to back to Kansas. She wasn’t ambiguous. She wasn’t vague. She was crystal clear. This made it that much easier for others to help her reach her goal.

She created a tribe of like-minded personalities who, although had different goals, were on the same path as her. Together they joined forces to overcome obstacles in order to get to where they wanted to be. I bet you’re going to look at that movie in a whole new light now!

The difference between these two women is perception. Dorothy knew something was wrong. She needed to be somewhere else. She needed to be where she belonged.

Working in the entertainment industry, there’s always somewhere else you can be. You can be working on another film, creative project or gig. Finding your place within an industry that’s like a revolving door and constantly in disruption mode can be challenging.

Alice, on the other hand, had a “go with the flow” attitude. She was in discovery mode. Fearless and inquisitive, she would trust what was presented to her and adapted from there. Remember the bottle that said “drink me” which altered her body so she could walk through the small door? She didn’t over-analyze it. She drank it.

Being like Alice, in the entertainment world, gives you an awesome perspective when it comes to exploring creative opportunities. Film, TV, interactive, digital, mobile, gaming, fashion, music, startup – not only do you easily intersect different industries with entertainment but you’re also less likely to pigeon-hole your brand.

Lessons to Learn

If you’re like Dorothy there are lessons you can learn from her example.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if it comes from unlikely personalities.
  2. Stay on track, no matter what. Don’t let an intoxicating field of poppies stop you from moving on.
  3. Time is relative. Dorothy never said she needed to go back to Kansas in time to catch the Bachelorette. She just wanted to get back. She wasn’t checking her watch, nor was she ever in a rush.

If you’re like Alice there are also lessons you can learn from her example.

  1. Don’t think, just go with the flow. If Alice had stopped to ask herself why there was a rabbit complaining about punctuality, then she never would have come across Wonderland.
  2. Be impulsive, sometimes. Impulsive does not mean reckless.
  3. Dream like you’re 10 years old. Don’t let reality inhibit your imagination. If you can imagine it, then it’s possible.

Dorothy was clear. She had focus. She was methodical and intentional.

Alice was the complete opposite. Alice followed a white rabbit, which is the totem animal that represents creativity. She escaped reality to enter a fantasy world where things were whimsical and a bit crazy.

The truth is, we can be a little of both.

Learn to channel your inner Dorothy when you need to get somewhere, in life and business.

Learn to channel your inner Alice when you need to draw inspiration and create something awesome.