Too much drama. Not enough acting


JenniferEwingMITB2014“Too much drama. Not enough acting.”

In acting conservatory, my mentor would frequently say this about the daily goings-on of the students. We all know the entertainment industry has a reputation of being awash with dramatic tension off screen: So and so is sleeping with that guy and/or girl, these people broke up, those ladies hate each other, that guy is competing with this other guy.


Civilians love their rag-cover stories every now and again. Some might say it’s harmless garbage, but for us, the actual members of the entertainment community, it can be absolute hell getting caught in the crossfire.

I was unlucky enough to be in the blast zone of a very nasty drama not too long ago. I learned a lot having been the subject of a lot of malicious, disruptive gossip. I have since forged new friendships and alliances, separated from those who would do me harm (or worse, allow harm to be done to me), and am happy, intact and much the wiser. None of you really know me personally, but I hope I have given you enough insight into my belief in being a good person, seeking excellence, encouraging self-worth and artistic integrity by now that you have an inkling I’m not out to ruin lives or destroy families. Yes? Good. Here are some very important points I wish to share with you, readers, that you may move forward in your lives and careers as drama-free as you can.

First of all, your personal life IS NO ONE ELSE’S BUSINESS.

We are professionals. As professionals we are to do our work and be judged in the workplace solely on our work. If you bring your personal life – or the personal lives of others – into the workplace, I guarantee it will reflect poorly on you, less so the people you wish to hurt.

In conjunction with that, someone else’s life IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

If you are concerned for someone’s safety, this is another matter. Respond appropriately to an authority, and I would say, yes, reach out to the person in harm’s way.

Friends, we really are all in this together. And we are all human. People will make mistakes, even with the best intentions. Who are we to pass judgement on other people? We do not know their needs, wants, histories, pains, pleasures, fears or family. Surely we would not wish others to pass judgement on us…

There is another quote written about 414 years ago that really hit the proverbial nail on the head. It is one of my all-time favorites. I urge you all to take note:

“I will chide no breather in the world but myself; against whom I know most faults.”

–William Shakespeare; Orlando, As You Like It