As a publicist, it’s my job to get my clients media coverage in the outlets that matter the most. How do I know which publications matter the most? Simple – it’s the publications that people in the industry are reading. My production company clients want to be featured in Advertising Age, because ad agencies read this blog and print magazine, and thus they can find out about production companies they want to work with on their next spot. Post production clients want to be in Post Magazine, an outlet dedicated entirely to the various aspects of post production. Startups want to be in TechCrunch so that investors can find them, and so on and so forth. It all comes down to new business…a.k.a. money. It’s all well and good to be on the front page of Vogue. But if none of your clients, business partners, potential new clients or investors are reading Vogue, then what actual added value did this (prestigious) press placement really get you?
The best way to know where you want to be featured is by reading. It will become obvious to you over time which trades, blogs and magazines are most useful to you – and most relevant to the people in your industry you want to be cool with. Best yet, by reading these publications regularly, you might even find job opportunities, casting calls, invitations to networking events or companies you want to work for, showing that work is play is work in this industry.
Above the Line:
Whether you’re an actress in film or television, a screenwriter, a director or a producer, your “above the line” duties require being at the forefront of the industry. Because these roles are the most prominent to the general public, you’ll find relevant industry news in consumer magazines like Entertainment Weekly. However, you should also get even more targeted by keeping up with industry-specific trades like Variety, Deadline, The Wrap and the Hollywood Reporter. From breaking news to movie sales, box office statistics, contract laws, the awards show circuits casting and more, these by-the-moment websites often let you sign up for newsletters, email blasts and text message alerts so that you are literally on the cusp of what’s happening in Hollywood. Nothing is more impressive than an actress who lives and breathes her craft or a writer who is up on her pop culture and can work witty references into her scripts.
Below the Line:
Because I’ve grouped producers into the above the line category, here I’m including post producers, editors, music, audio, sound and visual effects. Commercial directors and producers will want to brush up on Advertising Age, Creativity and AdWeek to see which brands are working with which agencies, and what agencies are working with which production companies. Eventually, you’ll hopefully see your own work featured in these storied industry pages. Publications specific to post production include Post Magazine and PostPerspective. Do something cool enough and you might even land a “Behind the Title” interview with PostPerspective. Want to see who’s moving where? SourceCreative and Shots feature all the hires, wins and new business updates you need to know. And, of course, SHOOT has all the above and more, from commercials to music videos to Oscar nominees and filming incentives.
Being in LA, it’s important to be informed on what’s going on in your city. Los Angeles Magazine, LAist and LA Weekly all offer daily or weekly newsletters that will keep you up-do-date on goings-on in the city of angels. From Hollywood news to construction, a new train, real estate and museums, you’ll be provided with all the info you need to run this town (or at least act like you do). WIRED is a great choice for everyone to read. No longer merely a tech publication, the magazine and website feature of-the-moment news in politics, culture, tech and Hollywood alike. And, of course, every woman in the industry should be reading Ms. in the Biz for valuable insider advice on how to get ahead as well as a support group of amazing and talented women!
Which media outlets do you find most useful for your craft? Let me know in the comments!