Four Easy Ways To Get Back Your Passion


Recently, I was re-reading Stephen King’s “On Writing.” If you’ve never read, do so pronto. Not only is it a great book about the craft of writing but it’s also extremely inspirational. And honestly, lately, I’ve needed inspiration the way Drake needs to spread his brand of tender “light-skinned love” all over a rap song. Because not only can leading a creative life be extremely challenging but, frankly, it can be down right depressing at times. But like a moth to a flame, most of us “artists” wouldn’t have it any other way.

But for those of us, currently, in need of a little “pick me up,” here are four little ways to recharge your creative batteries and get back your creative passion…

Step Away

Sometimes you just need a break! This would be a great time to clean out the garage. Or, if you’re like me, finally import all of your favorite cds into iTunes. Occasionally, you just need to focus on the mundane. If this doesn’t sound that appealing, maybe try doing your grocery shopping in a new store. Or, if you’re a loyal customer, try shopping at a different location of your favorite chain. I bet the Trader Joe’s in Beverly Hills is fancy! This will help to soothe your exhaustion by helping you to find solace in the familiar, yet could help spark a new way into that scene you’ve been trying to write for a week.

ReConnect With Loved Ones

Have you ever met someone really “cool” at an event or party that you just can’t seem to connect with? There is always something getting in the way. Well here is your chance to “just do it.” Or, perhaps, try and succeed in setting up to meet current friends at happy hour. Financially strapped? No worries. Just “bum rush” a loved one at their house with beer and chips and just hang. Yes, as adults, leading busy and hectic lives, it can be hard to fit in leisure time. But remember, when we were kids? Hanging out at the crib was where it was at – excuse me, my nineties childhood is showing. Just keep it simple and reconnect.

Try A Little Tenderness

Now, if you’ve been feeling like you’ve been in a constant boxing match, up against the ropes and being pounded non-stop, this is a “must.” Or maybe I’m projecting – where’s that Butter Pegan pint of Haagen Dazs? Any who, if you feel like you’re being beaten up by circumstances or life in general, the best thing to do is to stop doing that to yourself. Even if it takes a little self affirming mantras in the mirror a la Stuart Smalley, then doggone it, do that too. Maybe you have an adult binky blanket? Yes, an adult binky blanket – mine is a body pillow wrapped in soft, plush terry cloth fabric and I will never give it up – never!!!. Whatever it takes to creme your twinkie, do it! Embarrassment not withstanding, figure out a way to do some self caring and soon, you’ll start feeling the love again.

Weigh Your Options

And finally, consider the impossible. Think about whether or not it’s time to hang it up! Maybe, it’s time to put your energies into something more rewarding. Or maybe not! Perhaps, it’s time to accept that the pursuit of a creative life is fucking difficult as shit! Much more difficult than is humanely possible to explain to anyone who isn’t in the trenches with you. Or perhaps not.

For some, a trust fund softens the blow. For others, a sugar daddy (or momma) can make the ride much smoother. But for those who are doing it “for themselves,” it can be very tough indeed. So think on if you want the suffering to stop and are willing to pull the plug.

But, before you throw in the proverbial towel, consider this: will you be any more happy working as an Executive Assistant in a high rise corporate office? Or perhaps, you will be more content clocking in as Shift manager at Target, finding solace in knowing exactly how much will be coming into the house every week and how much will be going out? Actually, neither one of these two things sound that bad – forget everything I just wrote. Abort! Abort! Abort!

In conclusion, whatever you need to do to keep going, do it! Self destructive behaviors aside, find things that are separate from your art and find joy in them. Go to the mall. Go to the movies. Or just go for a walk. While we pursue our art, we have to remember that we are human beings, here to not just observe, but to engage. In “On Writing, Stephen King says it best when he writes, “… Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around.” So, I say, in order to keep the passion, we have to live our lives and trust that the inspiration and passion will always come. And when it does, our writing will be better for it, always. Happy writing.