We all make mistakes, it’s a fact of life. But try to skip these common flubs so you can hurry up and take over Hollywood. Not signing a crew memo deal, agreement, and/or a contract. Read what you sign. Make sure everything you negotiated or discussed with Producers is written. Get a copy of it. And yes, sometimes payroll can get confusing for production. If that occurs, or god forbid someone refuses to pay you what you’re owed, well you have a lovely paper trail.This also benefits and protects the production side of things as well. Not backing everything up.…
Author: Jaz Moore
The great Maria Bamford has been providing the world with deep guffaws and insights into the human psyche since the beginning of time (the 90’s.) She’s an everything do-er, and a nothing do-er, wrapped into a sweet boisterous tow-headed yet meek package. Her comedy is imaginative, surreal, and brutally fucking honest. It is with giant waves of gratitude that I present to you, my interview with America’s Sweet-Tart: Maria Bamford! J: Maria, thank you so much for allowing me to interview you! This is a huge honor! I just finished watching your Netflix show Lady Dynamite! It was amazingly absurd!…
L.A: the place I’ve lived for the past 4 years, is still a foreign world to me. As a small town upstate N.Y native, the pungent smell of dusty urine and skunk weed that greeted me when I arrived was terrifying as was the constant noise, now it’s what I associate with home. It took me nearly a year to somewhat assimilate to this strange land. It was difficult. Most transplants moved to L.A with a partner/friend, to join existing family that lived here, or attend school among peers in the exact same boat as them. I didn’t have that.…
My name is Jaz and I’m often hired as a 2nd AD for production gigs. Whenever I mention this to non-industry folks, they give me a blank stare and nod their heads. I usually sigh and respond with “kinda like a set nanny of sorts.” But it’s so much more than that. Let’s dive into detail. Basically, my job is to monitor everyone to make sure they’re where they’re supposed to be, when they’re supposed to be there. These going-ons are mainly focused on the actors, however. I am their chaperone and their stalker. A 2nd AD MUST know where…
I am not so much a lone wolf as I am a lone squirrel; a little silly, many times underestimated, and constantly searching for…something. But my search is everyone’s search. And this year I have been given more time on this planet and with that more introspection. Here is what I have discovered: 1) If you have siblings, cherish it. They’ve known you as nobody else has. You shared a life with them and they will still be here after your parents are gone. 2) Learn something new everyday. We live in an age where any single question can be…
For the past 5 months I’ve been volunteering as a film instructor at an after school program for underprivileged youth. Yes, yes, I know I’m a saint blah blah blah. Don’t worry. This isn’t an article about a Michelle Pfeiffer-esque woman teaching inner city kids that they matter/can do anything. It’s trite and to be completely honest, insulting to urbanites. Rather, this is a story about how a weirdo writer/director (Me) learned a thing or two about filmmaking from a bunch of kiddos. You have to put in the work (pre-production) in order to play (production.) These 7-11 year olds…
Recently, I had the absolute pleasure to interview one of the top make-up artists working in the industry, Emmy winner Eryn Krueger Mekash! She has been creating breath-taking effects for nearly three decades. You can view her current masterpieces on FX’s American Horror Story: Hotel, Fox’s Scream Queens and the up-coming American Crime Story: The People v. O.J Simpson airing in February 2016! She is truly a wonder and it was such an honor to get to know more about this talented lady! J: Hi Eryn, Thank you so much for taking the time out of your horrendously busy schedule…
I’m sitting at home on a Friday night by myself as usual. My heart aches and itches for some excitement, to cash in on all my years of missing out on fun stuff. Unfortunately it’s not in the cards for me just yet. But I feel like I will be dealt a new hand soon. You see, I suffer from major FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when it comes to anything film/tv/Biz related. And as I’ve come to find out, it only gets worse the more people you know who work in the Business. That is not to say I’m…
A survival job. Whew! Many of us have had the (dis)pleasure of relying on a passionless job while we pursue our dreams. And it’s not just actors putting in hours of tiresome service work to make ends meet. Surprisingly, 33% of servers in Los Angeles are actually writers/directors/producers who still haven’t found consistent enough gigs to bid that survival job adieu. And while I completely made that statistic up, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that people involved in production don’t just get handed jobs on a silver platter. Much like the notorious actor, film-makers must also pay…
After writing your masterpiece, please consider the following: -Are there People of Color in your script? Are their roles other than a thug, criminal, or throw-away character that is merely there for the advancement of another person’s plot line? -Are women in your script only portrayed as maternal figures or love interests? Do they speak? Is their goal something other than romance? Does their character breakdown consist of more than just physical traits? -Does every scene have a power struggle between at least two forces (i.e an astronaut vs a cowboy, a prince of Denmark vs his grief etc.) -Well-written…
We’ve all been there, you’re itching’ for a gig, you need help with a project, you want to get your name out there, but you just don’t know how to go about it! Never fear dear friends, I have some suggestions that will enhance your networking abilities and hopefully open doors of opportunity! Here are the DOs of Networking. -DO open social media accounts. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to connect with like-minded people who share similar career interests. Not only are they working on their own projects, which could be potential jobs for you, but you…
I recently had the displeasure of viewing the trailer for the abysmal looking Jem and the Holograms movie. I am a long time fan of the the cult cartoon so I’m unbelievably disappointed in the creative choices made by the production team. The core, the very spirit of the show, is missing. Thus, I give you an in-depth analysis of Jem the cartoon vs Jem the movie trailer and why the distinction between the two is so important! CARTOON JEM IS A FEMINIST ICON In the original cartoon, Jerrica Benton is an independent businesswoman who suddenly finds herself in charge…
Last month, I shared with you my experience directing my first large project. You can read part one here. This is the glorious conclusion, so now I bring you: PART DEUX! You will steal from directors you’ve worked with. I’ve worked on my fair share of sets as production assistant, art department, 2nd A.D, props, etc (you name it, I’ve done it.) No matter what my role, I always take time to observe the director and his/her interactions with the crew and talent. You witness first hand what works (and what doesn’t.) Most importantly, you’re there when the director isn’t.…
Well, it finally happened. I directed a movie. I am a director. Me! It was everything and nothing that I expected. I can’t even put into words the experience and the profound effect it had on me as a filmmaker and as a person. I learned so much: Memorize everybody’s names on-set and spend time with your crew. If you take the time to establish relationships with the crew, the tone of the set will brighten! These guys work constantly and most of the time they aren’t seen as more than their respective roles. Sit down, have a beer, ask…