HI, I’m JANE. Malibu * Jane as I am affectionalty called by my friends and colleagues.
I left my beloved NYC after 9/11 rocked my world as a commercial flight attendant, and I took a drive across the country to heal. Along the way, I found my dog “Arlie” in the desert, ditched my commercial airline job and started flying on private jets (much more fun). My boss, who owns the G 5 jet, is a MAJOR power player. I’ll just call him “The Principal”, since I’m not allowed to divulge his identity. I ended up falling in love. Nooo, not with a guy 😉 but with a little town by the sea called Malibu.
I got my groove back on by renewing my love of acting and using my degree from Parsons School of Design to start my own interior design biz on the side called Malibu*jane.
Traveling the world is a blast, but I can only do it by having a home that is a soft, safe place to land – a space for me to dream, to play, to work, and to share. By writing this Blog I hope to inspire and assist you in creating beautiful environments that reflect who you are and who you want to become. Along the way, I’ll share a bit of my life with you and my love of design & all things by the sea.
This is an example of what I’ll be sharing with you here at Ms. In The Biz:
I was challenged with this when I lived in a small space in New York City and again when I moved into a cottage in Malibu, California. My solution is beautiful crystal or cut glass sugar and jam bowls I find at flea markets and garage sales. You can pick them up for far less than you would pay at a retail store and you can add your own personality by mixing and matching shapes and sizes. The crystal/cut glass gives the illusion of more space and less clutter, while providing necessary storage for items you want handy.
Not only are they beautiful and clean, they add an elegance and freshness to your vanity whether you live in the city, country, or at the beach.
– Jane