We all start the new year with a gusto of energy. This year we have goals and we are going to achieve them and make those dreams happen. But we can’t do it alone, no matter what we think. The following are some great organizations that should be on your radar this year as an actor, filmmaker, writer, and more. Find your tribe. 1.WIF Women in Film is probably the most prestigious and the most active of the organizations on this list. You can apply to be a member with a letter of recommendation. There are a ton of mixers,…
Author: Anastasia Washington
The Holidays are upon us and they can be so distracting and the death of our priorities if we let them. Here are some tips to avoid that completely. Make it a priority to do one thing towards your career a day. Whether that’s submitting to projects, or sitting down to write 20 minutes. Keep the momentum going by making it one thing a day. Everyone can do one thing a day towards your goals. Holiday Parties. There will be holiday parties at your unions, studios, etc… Network before the new year. Set things up for the coming year. Now…
This is the age of the virtual audition. The “Self-Tape” is king and we are its minions. For those of us that don’t stay in one place but want to still keep up with the game, here’s some helpful gadgets to make your self-tape life a lot easier. LuMee This is not only good for self-tapes, but it’s good for interviews on the go, and epic Instagram photo shoots on your iPhone or other phone of choice. What is this magical device? Well, it’s a lighting system for your phone. You have the option of a one-sided or two-sided lighting…
How many times have you been in your car, frustrated, second guessing, or just generally bummed? The erratic nature of the business we have chosen not only has us constantly commuting to all kinds of locations, but has us in our car in various states of mind. So here are a few of the books that you can have on hand when you truly need a pep talk or let’s face it just a good laugh. Stay calm. Remember you are a Bad Ass and give yourself a break. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert Elizabeth Gilbert…
Anxiety. Its real, and it’s really misunderstood. The face of anxiety can seem social. It can seem successful and carefree but yet underneath it can be bubbling to the surface in so many different forms. For me it was in the form of Bulimia. I would get so upset and anxious in private from events I would literally Barf. Networking is a necessary evil, but for some of us it’s so hard we self-destruct. Publicly or privately we have to defend ourselves while not destroying career opportunities. Here are 6 tips that I found help me for coping with the…
As Filmmakers, Actors, heck, as humans we face a massive amount of disappointment in the form of rejection. Rejection of our ideas or our performances can feel personal. Here are 5 ways to cope with those horrible, but inevitable, bouts of the word “no”. Know it’s not personal 99 percent of the time. I know that you have heard this many, many times. It’s not personal. While that’s not always the case, it’s the case 9 out of 10 times. It’s not that you are a bad person, unless you are and in that case reflect and change that. No,…
So you’ve done a great project and you’ve advertised on all social media outlets possible. Now what? How can you build your audience without spending a ton of money? The answer my friends is in the amazing land of Conventions. One of the most dynamic ways to get some free advertising is by submitting a panel to cons like Wondercon and Beyond Fest Expo. Below are some handy tips to help your panel pop. 1. Think outside of the box. Remember, many people haven’t heard of your project…yet. So, don’t make a panel simply about your project. That limits your…
Even the best people experience it. You wanted it. They got it. So now what? Jealousy, while it does have its up points, drive, determination, an energy surge like no other, it is not helpful for building your tribe or supporting a friend. So how can you change that overwhelming feeling of envy. Like anything it takes practice. Below here are some helpful tips to grin, bear it, and support the amazing people in your life. Take a second. The first reaction is always shock. Maybe you didn’t hear who got the role. Maybe you were still hoping to receive…
Since I joined Ms. in the Biz, I have met some of the most amazing women ever. Honored and humbled to be counted amongst them I am grateful for the journey we have all just begun together. Yes it may be the end of some things but truly just the beginning for so much more. Things I want you all to take with you as we go on this journey together and seemingly apart is that the community you built is still here. We are the women that will change this society and business one project at a time. So…
There’s a lot of pressure out there in this world to be perfect. To please everyone and have all the time in the world for every single person in your life. In a perfect world this would be easy. You could do all you needed to do, wanted to do and more. Unfortunately, you are human and not a wizard with the magical ability to multiply yourself or turn time to your advantage. So instead you are the flakey actor. In a life that makes you constantly look for your next gig even while sitting in the comfort of your…
So you wanna do a podcast? Well it’s a bit more complicated than buying a microphone and getting drunk with your friends. Although trust me that helps. Here’s 6 tips on how to get a strong podcast started. 1. Concept Making a podcast is more than just being funny. What makes you stand out? In other words, what’s your gimmick, your concept. Solidifying your voice is one of the most important things you can do. It should be step one of your road to podcasting. 2. Name Just like a band name this is also extremely important. This is the…
When I met Melinda-Catherine Gross I knew we were kindred. Meeting other female creators not only encourages you, but it’s the moment when you can share your battle wounds with someone who understands. An actor and stunt woman active in the nerd pop culture world, she’s used to being in a man’s world. Now with her new project Drunk Hawkman, she’s talking on some iconic comic book characters with some awesome humor and a lot of cocktails. What made you want to create content? I love making things! I wish there was a slightly more complicated answer to that, but…
What happens to child actors when they grow up? They create. A child actor, and creator myself, it truly inspiring to see what the wonderfully talented Emmy winner Jennifer Houlton has accomplished. Playwright, actress, and now most recently hired to remake the edgy drama Chunmeng for an American audience. We got to sit down and chat with her about adapting material, being a female creator, and just you know how cool she is. Can you tell us a bit about Chunmeng? Chunmeng was a Chinese Horror/Drama that came out in 2013. The story revolved around a woman whose stable life and marriage is…
I’ve written many times about what to do when you have down time in this industry and the importance of keeping active. An amazing example of such success is Katharine Emmer, who conquered a feature in her down time. We got to chat with her about her project and get some awesome tips! Please tell us a bit about your project. My first feature film, LIFE IN COLOR, was an official selection of South by Southwest 2015 where it had its world premiere. The film won the Best of Fest – Prix D’Or Award at the Lower East Side Film…